Thursday 17 December 2009

December and New Year

There are some points in the year where archiving comes into its own. As well as being a time of feasting, giving and general happiness, December is also a time to reflect, remember and record before starting afresh in January. December is usually the time for archives across the UK to close and carry out stock taking duties for a week or usually two! An important activity which can be met by dissatisfaction by users but if this did not take place then I feel the dissatisfaction would grow a hundredfold!

More generally we are bombarded with programmes on the television and radio listing the best 50 pop songs, adverts and more poignant items about news stories and events that shaped that particular year. This time we see it not only of this year 2009 but of the first decade of the 00’s  and what we have achieved or not as the case may be. Where has the last 9 years gone?

Thank you for reading my blog over the last couple of months it has been a real joy to find out other people like and are interested in my little snippets on archives and life.


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